Hyena Life Cycle

Hyenas or hyaenas (from Greek ὕαινα hýaina[1]) are any feliform carnivoran mammals of the family Hyaenidae /hˈɛnɪd/. With only four extant species (in three genera), it is the fifth-smallest biological family in the Carnivora, and one of the smallest in the class Mammalia.[2] Despite their low diversity, hyenas are unique and vital components of most African ecosystems.[3]
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Mammalia
Order : Carnivora
Family : Hyaenidae
Subfamily : Hyaeninae
Genus : Crocuta
Species : C.Crocuta
Although phylogenetically they are closer to felines and viverrids, and belong to the feliform category, hyenas are behaviourally and morphologically similar to canines in several elements of convergent evolution
They are found in Asia and Africa. There are four species of hyenas: Spotted hyenas. Stripped hyenas, Aardwolf hyenas and brown hyenas. They bear resemblance with Banded palm civet. Being Africa's most common large carnivore, hyenas are reputed for cowardice. However at times these animals can be dangerous and bold, attacking both humans and other animals.
What do hyenas eat?
Hyenas are are skillful hunters but they are also scavengers. They select the most attractive and easiest food and completely ignore fresh carrion and bones if there are any. They are known to consume domestic stock and even other hyenas.
Since hyenas hunt during the nighttime and devour all the parts of their preys, too little evidence of their meals remains behind. Even though they eat many dry bones, they don’t need much water in order to survive. The main part of a hyena’s diet is meat and they consume lots of it. However, more often than not, hyenas prefer to consume the carcass of animals that were killed by another predator. They prefer the meat of zebras, jackals, porcupines, buffalos, antelopes, termites, foxes, monkeys and so on.
Where Do Hyenas Live?
Hyenas can be found mostly in woodlands, grasslands, forest edges, mountains, sub-deserts and savannas.
How’s Their Behavior and Lifestyle?
Organized into territorial clans of individuals that are related, hyenas defend their homes against other clans that may be looking to intrude. Den is the center of each clan’s activity. Here, the individuals meet and the cubs are raised. Situated in the central area of the territory, hyenas’ dens are usually placed on high grounds. There are a series of underground tunnels that are connected to the high ground entrances.
Being social animals, hyenas communicate with each other through specific signals, postures and calls. They can quickly communicate with other members of the clan and outsiders as well
Hyena’s Lifecycle and Lifespan :
After a 4 months gestation period, two young hyenas are usually born in a burrow. The fact that the gestation period lasts for so long results in cubs having incisors and canines, eyes open but unseeing and strong forelegs. Only a few hours after birth, siblings of the same sex start to fight for dominance. They use the neck bite and shake technique that the adult hyenas use. The cub that wins gets to keep the other from nursing until it dies. The youngsters depend entirely on milk for around 8 months. They are not entirely weaned until they are 12 to16 months old. They achieve complete maturation at 3 years of age. Their lifespan in captivity is as long as 35 years.
How Do Hyenas Look Like?
Being the largest of hyena species, male spotted hyenas weigh around 123 to 138 lbs. They have a height of 32 to 34 inches. The females weigh 147 to 165 lbs. at a height of 34 to 35 inches. Their build is sturdy with a ling neck and muscular long legs. Their head is massive and it has rounded ears with some robust teeth that are adapted to chewing bones. Hyena’s coat is rough and short with a reddish-brown color. The spots are round and black.


5 questions about the hyenas : 
Can hyenas see in the dark?
Do they each other for territory?
What do they sound like?
How fast does a hyena run?
Are hyenas faster than lions?


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