My Personal Profile

My name is Irbad Adi Pradana I am 15 years old and i'm a student of 10 Science 8 of SMAN 3 Bandung.
I live in Bandung,Indonesia as you'd guess and i love living here, the air is not poluted and traffic here is not that bad as jakarta's i think, despite having to leave for school everyday at 5:55 with a car to barely make it to school on time.
My school starts at 6:30 am but with Tolerance i can still arrive 10 minutes later without being punished.I have 3 little sisters and For YEARS i always had get to school with at least one of them in the car, this was a problem and still is because they're very difficult to wake up and even if they do manage to wake up on their own it's always a little too late.
Thankfully now they can wake up on their own on time sometimes,and even if they take too long i can order a GO-jek to go alone to school,without worrying if i will arrive late or not.
In my freetime i like to Watch movies and play games mainly computer games.I like to watch movies with my family in the weekends.I love to watch Good and great movies, Pixar has made some of my favorite movies to date and some of my favorite directors are Quentin Tarantino, Coen brothers, Paul Thomas Anderson, and Wes Anderson.
In the future i would like to be able to write stories and make a cool story at least someone would enjoy, the biggest obstacle i have to face right now is finding the time and be consistent in writing my stories.
This is the introduction to my blog and i hope you enjoy the contents that i post here.


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