
Showing posts from August, 2019

Plans for the World tournament 2019

This saturday my school is going to Hold an event called world Tournament 2019 .From the name it isn't very obvious but it is a Harry Potter Themed Games contest. I'm very excited because i get to dress up as a wizard and actually pretend i'm Harry Potter. But the timing of it all is kind of Concerning, i don't feel too thrilled about the event being held now when there are tons of homework given this week , not to mention all the things we must do for the Marvanata event that's happening in just a month, i personally don't mind this but i'm concerned about my classmates who has a lot to do. Our class is given the house of hufflepuff to roleplay as, i actually do not know a lot about harry potter but the house of hufflepuff is supposed to be the house that represent loyalty and kindness ,the house which has a yellow and black theme. For the costume i intend to wear a Black robe, a student vest, a yellow tie, white shirt, and black pants. I know there'

My Personal Profile

My name is Irbad Adi Pradana I am 15 years old and i'm a student of 10 Science 8 of SMAN 3 Bandung. I live in Bandung,Indonesia as you'd guess and i love living here, the air is not poluted and traffic here is not that bad as jakarta's i think, despite having to leave for school everyday at 5:55 with a car to barely make it to school on time. My school starts at 6:30 am but with Tolerance i can still arrive 10 minutes later without being punished.I have 3 little sisters and For YEARS i always had get to school with at least one of them in the car, this was a problem and still is because they're very difficult to wake up and even if they do manage to wake up on their own it's always a little too late. Thankfully now they can wake up on their own on time sometimes,and even if they take too long i can order a GO-jek to go alone to school,without worrying if i will arrive late or not. In my freetime i like to Watch movies and play games mainly computer games.I like

My visit to Paris van java Ice skating with my cousins

In the holidays my relatives and i got bored and tired of staying home all day, but since school was about to start we were lazy to come up with good plans. So instead of going somewhere far, we came up with an easy plan to go to PVJ's ice skating. It isn't very far from our home and we could easily pack and prepare. All we needed were gloves, socks, and a jacket for each person, but you can bring more warm clothing if you can't stand cold temperatures , like beanies. But if you didn't bring the Necessaries then it would be fine because they sell them there. Skating for me was easy although i only understood the basics from coming here multiple times, it was difficult for my relatives. We were told to play for at least 4 hours since the entry ticket was expensive also we wouldn't be satisfied and regret not playing longer. My relatives wouldn't even skate or move an inch without griping the handle circling the ice skating arena, even after falling multiple

Congratulations and Compliments

Students: Irbad adi pradana M.Rifki Conversation: Rifki : hey, nice to meet you. What have you been doing lately? Irbad : I have been busy learning and competing for science Olympiad. Rifki : That's cool and how did you do in the Olympiad? Irbad : I achieved first place in the competition. Rifki : Wow, That must be because of all your hard work and dedication, you deserved it! Irbad : Thank you but it's also because of my teacher and friends' efforts that got me the Thropy, you should congratulate them too! Rifki : Keep up your spirits! Irbad : Thank you I couldn't have done it on my own. Rifki : Alright, see you later. Irbad : See you.