
My Goal my Ambition | Taking more risks than I should

You'd think having got this far in life has prepared us with the answer to "Who do you want to be when you grow up?" or "what school will you go to?" You can't blame them since it is a straight-up necessity for 2nd grade High schoolers to start thinking about their plans for the future. Yet, my relatives and parents think that I'm borderline crazy for thinking that I have a straight answer to the question.  You see, I have always been intrigued by the pursuit of the arts. Primarily, storytelling has had an impression on me ever since I was young. I love it when the audience is surprised by the way a story can take a certain turn. And the honing of the craft of any medium which we can see, as a treat for our eyes. discerning the details that the author may or may not have purposefully put in. These are only some of the many reasons that storytelling is my favorite. English is also another hobby that I enjoy. If there is one subject in school I can confide

Debate - the internet has reduced our capacity to work deeply

 Yumma: I agree with the opinion of the internet is reducing the amount of time people spend working deeply because what I see now is that many people have trouble getting a good internet network so that activities that are carried out online are interrupted. especially during this pandemic. We are required to have a good internet network because all our activities such as studying or working are done online. first take a look at our own country. many people are struggling and can't afford to buy internet packages. some even do not have a cell phone. the problem is that the economy in Indonesia is not evenly distributed but is required to study or work online. Internet use can also make someone less focused. For example, when students are studying or when workers are working, they can be distracted because of an incoming message or something that makes them curious so they open their cell phones and break their concentration. when their concentration has been diverted, their task w

Students attend school immersion through video conference.

Lesson: Suggestion and offer Jolyne: Have you heard About the student immersion sani? Sani: No, what have you heard? J: I heard that due to the new normal being deffered, the government suggested that new students attend school immersion through video conference. S: Quite interesting , what do you think the immersion will be like? J: I suggest that they stick to the normal student immersion process while being flexible. For example, by excluding all the physical stuff that we would normally do.  S: I completely agree. J:  What do you think they should do to introduce the students to our school? S: I think they could inform the students about all the necessary information about the school through presentation given in the video conference. J: That's a good idea. Do you think they should be given tasks? S: I'm not sure about that, I think it might be best if the tasks don't require students to go outside, as they might run the risk of contrac

Menyikapi coronavirus sebagai umat muslim

Sebagai umat muslim penting kita memperhatikan Sikap kita terhadap Situasi Pandemi Coronavirus ini. Sebagai muslim kita tentunya harus memahami bahwa ini semua takdir dari allah, Tetap beriman kepada qada dan qadar karena  sudah Allah tuliskan apa saja yang akan terjadi. Baik itu sebuah kebaikan maupun keburukan. Atau baik hidup ataupun mati. sebagaimana firman allah : هَلْ يَنْظُرُوْنَ اِلَّاۤ اَنْ يَّأْتِيَهُمُ اللّٰهُ فِيْ ظُلَلٍ مِّنَ الْغَمَا مِ وَا لْمَلٰٓئِکَةُ وَقُضِيَ الْاَمْرُ ۗ وَاِ لَى اللّٰهِ تُرْجَعُ الْاُمُوْرُ “Dia (Jibril) berkata, Demikianlah. Tuhanmu berfirman, Hal itu mudah bagi-Ku, dan agar Kami menjadikannya suatu tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi manusia dan sebagai rahmat dari Kami; dan hal itu adalah suatu urusan yang (sudah) diputuskan.” (QS. Maryam 19: Ayat 21)  hal yang dapat kita lakukan adalah : Optimis.  Selalu optimis, apapun yang terjadi adalah kehendak Allah yang terbaik bagi hambanya. Jika saat ini gagal, mungkin Allah akan menggantikan nya yang le

Coronavirus Precaution


Recount Text Hiroshima Bombing


Storytelling video